Sunday, 25 April 2010

Max and grandpa Bruce share a joke;-)
Max says he is ready to meet his sister.....Um yeah, but she is not ready to come out yet!
Max's new B-day boat,
that is even works on land!!!
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One evening there was a nice sunset forming so I told Max we should walk to the beach and watch it. Max quickly gathered up his sand toys and our beach bag and headed for the sunset. "Maaaa!"

The sunset was very nice.
Then he carried it all back 30 yards to our condo;-)
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More fun in the pool with Max's uncles;-) Nice form!!!
Uncle Ty-Ty the motor boat.
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Saturday, 24 April 2010

Girls breakfast out;-)
Max learns how bananas grow.
Trucks are funny.....
Max's first coconut milk.
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Max turned 2 in Mexico and we celebrated!
with a delicious flan
and lots of nice presents from his grandparents and aunts and uncles!!!

Kaylie livens up the party a bit;-)
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Max and Minna became good friends on this trip.
There were lots of cute moments of hugging and kissing.
Max calls Minna, May May;-)
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Sometimes playing with a toddler can be confusing....
Max takes a break with mom after a tiring swim.
More fun on the beach with grandma;-)
Oh uncle Ty-Ty!
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After Berkeley we headed to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a great family vacation with my mom and Bruce, Elisa, Scott, and Minna and Tyler and Kaylie! Here Max and grandma check out the waves.
Lots of digging fun on the beach.
And of course pool time with uncle Ty-Ty is always fun.
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Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Max and Minna on the way to Target;-)
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Good times with Aunt Kaylie at my cousin Rachel's house. On the swings are Sierra and Catalina.
Mmmmmm Pizza Board!
Elisa and Minna enjoy some pizza too.
And so do my friend Irene and her daughter Kate;-) It was nice to see you guys!
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Elisa and Scott threw me a fabulous shower while we were in Berkeley! Thanks Guys! It was great to see everyone;-)
Here I am with one of my closest friends and old roommate Corisa, she is also expecting a baby girl this summer;-)
Opening presents. Elisa gave me already addressed Thank You cards, the best gift a pregnant mom with a toddler could ask for!
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Max and I took a 6 week trip to the states that started in Berkeley at Max's cousin Minna's house. Here Max and Minna (who Max calls May May) tickle each other's feet.
Always ready for the rain Max goes out in his frog boots.
Chillin at the Berkeley farmer's market.
Dancing I think;-)
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