I amalwaystryingtogetgoodpicturesofbothof the kidstogether....as all youparentsof more thanonekidhaveexperienced, it's really hard togetthembothlookingat the camera andsmilingat the same time......almostimpossible. So here are mylatestattempts, notgreat, butatleast cute;-) Max decided he wanted to get into Chiara's crib with her after her nap, she is now sleeping in Max's old crib as Max finally graduated into a big boy bed!!!
Lucky for us some of our friends from Vicenza were also in Garmisch. So we had a snow play date with twins, Jude and Aiden.
Recently Jay had a conference in Garmisch, Germany, so we tagged along for a few days of delicious German food. Some fun in the snow. A little German dancing. And more fun in the snow;-)