Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Max goes to School!!! Today was Max's second day at his Asilo (Italian Pre-School) and he did not even cry when I left him;-) Yea! The Italian pre-school system has a long settling in process where the parent waits at the school to make sure their child is doing OK. So this was day #2 of me sitting in the hallway while Max spends a longer time each day in class. Today he stayed for 1.5 hours tomorrow he stays for 2 and on Thursday if everything is going well he gets to stay for lunch.
These are the stairs that lead up to his class which is called Picolissimi. Here he is asking me, "Mom what do those numbers say?" He really likes this tree mural that leads up to his class;-)
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  1. can't believe he's so grown up. love the backpack! is it all in italian, or do they speak english too?

  2. The teachers speak both English and Italian, but most of the kids are Italian;-)

  3. Totally adorable. So, did he stay for lunch? And how is Monkey enjoying school?
