Friday 19 November 2010

Yes, Max FINALLY got a haircut, although we had to trick him into it. Yesterday when I picked him up from school one of the class assistants had put a little barrette in his hair to hold back his bangs. His teacher was very apologetic, but I decided it was really time to do something about his ever expanding mop. I have tried to get him to cut it for about the last 3 months, but every time we went near the barber shop he cried. So, last night in the bath I told him I was just going to cut his bangs since they were hanging in his face. Jay went and got the scissors and I quickly cut his bangs and then proceeded to cut all around his head.
It is not the best haircut he has ever had but it is certainly not the worst either. And now he is ready for family portraits;-)


  1. He sounds like Ethan. Ethan despises haircuts. There hasn't been a cut yet that he hasn't cried. So not fun. Max looks cute though!

  2. Being able to give Max a haircut sneaky-style while he doesn't know it speaks to your deep talents as a mom!!
    I am loving the pics of Jay at home with you guys!
